Your Mindset Is Costing You Thousands in Scholarships

Your Mindset is Costing You Thousands in Scholarships

When I was younger, I played on my high school golf team. I was no LPGA player, but I sure had fun on the course. Before each high school match, my dad would give me a pep talk. He’d remind me of a very important lesson echoed by many professional players: the game of golf is 90% mental, 10% physical.

And how true that was. If my focus wandered, if I didn’t move on from a bad shot, or if I took a swing without thinking strategically first, things broke down…fast.

During one match, a huge swarm of bees flew right overhead. I freaked OUT! But even after the buzzing bees zoomed away, I didn’t brush it off. I let it get to my head and distract me…and the rest of my match went terribly.

At the next match, another unexpected distraction made its debut. A thunderstorm rolled in over the course and all players were called back to the clubhouse until further notice. Once the lightning passed and I walked back on to the course, I had a choice. Would I let that distraction and break in the game get the best of me? Or would I conquer it? This time, my dad’s words really stuck. I was determined to focus fully on the game ahead and give the next shot my best shot (pun intended). Sure enough, my overall score improved.

You know what else I realized after that match? This mantra of “90% mental, 10% physical” doesn’t just apply to golf — it applies to LIFE!

The same rule pertains to learning a new skill, finally making that vacation happen, asking someone out on a date, and even applying for scholarships: it’s 90% mental.

Along with our goals and desires come a host of distractions trying to pull us away. We inundate our own brains with thoughts like “I can’t do this” or “I don’t have time” or “I’m not good enough.”

If you’re like me, you may find it easy to procrastinate or tell yourself you don’t have time or the capability to achieve a goal. I’ll let you in on a little secret — if you let those things stop you, you don’t want to accomplish your goal badly enough in the first place. But if you overcome those mental blocks, you’ve already won 90% of the battle.

This is exactly the battle to be won when it comes to applying for scholarships. We convince ourselves that it’s not worth our time or we won’t be good enough, but those things simply aren’t true!

In my recent blog post “5 Scholarship Myths Busted!” I tackled some of the most common mental blocks I see students let get in their way, such as:

  • “It’s too late to start”
  • “I’m not qualified enough”
  • “This is too overwhelming”
  • and more

You can check out that post here.

See, getting started is the hard part, especially when it comes to applying for scholarships. If you never fill out that application, you’ll never win. Plain and simple. But if you *do* apply and give it your best shot, what opportunity lies on the other side? Thousands upon thousands of dollars to pay for your college education.

Once you get started, I promise it gets easier with time. And if you change your mindset, you’ll pave your way to scholarship success…now that’s what I call a hole-in-one!

Ask yourself this: are you going to let doubts and myths run your life and determine your goals? Or are you going to take charge and make your dreams happen?

Remember…90% mental. And I’m here to help.

Be resolute. Conquer your distractions and fears. It helped my golf game AND my scholarship journey, and you can overcome your mental blocks too.

You won’t regret it.

Keep on navigating,

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