Want to help your student get scholarships, but don't expect to get money from FAFSA?
FREE WORKSHOP: How Your Student Can Win Scholarships, No Matter Your Income
What Students and Parents are saying...
Overwhelmed by all of the scholarship sites, databases, and lists? Wondering how to identify legitimate, less-competitive opportunities?
Click below to download your free copy of my “Guide to Understanding Different Scholarship Websites”
About Ryan: The Scholarship Navigator
Hi! I’m Ryan, founder of Scholarship Navigator, and I specialize in teaching students and families how to strategically find, apply for, and win college scholarships. During high school, I realized that if I didn’t figure out a way to pay for college, I’d have some hefty student loans and crippling debt straight out of college. I was determined to find a better way to fund my college education.
I set to work, applying for a variety of scholarships while figuring out winning techniques and methods through trial and error. I ultimately earned over $150,000 in scholarships, and didn’t spend a dime of my own money (or my parents’) on college bills. If I can cover college costs and graduate debt-free, you can too.
After years of perfecting my methods, I’m finally sharing the step-by-step process I used to earn enough scholarships to get college FULLY paid for. You don’t need to start from the ground up. Through 1:1 coaching or a workshop with your school or group, I’m here to help!
Your one-stop shop for tackling scholarship applications
Step-by-Step Coaching
Take your scholarship quest to the next level with accelerated coaching and winning tactics.
Contact Me
Have a question? Want Coaching? Want to invite Ryan to speak at your school or organization? Email Ryan@ScholarshipNavigator.com with the following information:
- Your role (parent, student, teacher, etc.)
- How you heard about Ryan
- What help you’re seeking (coaching, inviting Ryan to speak, etc.)
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