When Should I Start Applying for Scholarships?

When Should I Start Applying?

It’s one of the most-asked questions in the scholarship universe. Something everyone wonders, but no one can seem to answer.

I knew I needed to write a post answering just that question: “When should I start applying for scholarships?”

Well, I’m here to drop a bombshell: you don’t need to wait until a certain time to begin your scholarship journey. In fact, some of the best advice I can give is to start now!

Whether you’re just starting high school, heading off to college this fall, or are beginning senior year at university, now is the time to start.

It’s not too late!

Here are two key takeaways I’ll be covering in this post:

  1. Why it’s never too early to start applying (scholarships for 5-year-olds, anyone? I’m not kidding…)
  2. Why it’s never too late to start applying

Many students incorrectly believe it’s too early to start searching for scholarships during freshman year of high school. Instead, they think they have to wait until junior and senior year. This simply isn’t true.

Now, speaking candidly, I didn’t start applying for scholarships until my junior year, and if I could do it over again, I would’ve started earlier. However, starting then still didn’t stop me from getting college fully paid for!

My sister learned quickly from my experience and started seeking scholarships during her freshman year of high school. The result? She had more time to apply and accumulate awards.

Many scholarships allow you to apply again and again. If my sister didn’t win an award freshman year, she tried again next year. And what happened? She often won. Why? She had experience filling out the application already, which gave her a leg-up on those filling the application out for the first time.

You know what all of this means? Hint: I’ve said it before… Start now!

If you’re a high school junior or senior or a college student reading this, do not lose heart. There are so many scholarships out there for you to win! I promise.

There are scholarships out there for every age group. Even once you start college.

Whether you’re in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, already in college, or are an adult seeking to return to college for your degree, there is a scholarship you qualify for.

Sound too good to be true? Here are a few examples:

Scholarships for 5-year-olds do exist.

Is that the first time you’re hearing this? Are you surprised? Most people don’t have this secret knowledge. But now you do. Ergo, there is less competition to win those scholarships for your very young siblings/children.

*cue angels singing*

Now, if you’re reading this, you’re probably a little closer to college, maybe a junior or senior. You’re asking yourself, “Are there scholarships out there for me?”

Yes. Yes, there are!

To name just a few of the thousands out there:

Even if you’re an adult seeking to return to college, there are scholarships for you.

Take a look at the following:

So, this is my word of encouragement: don’t let the thought of “it’s too late” creep in.

I promise, now is the perfect time to start, and it can be incredibly rewarding!

Are you ready to jump in with me?

Keep on navigating,


P.S. Let me know what’s holding you back. What’s kept you from applying to scholarships in the past? How can you change your mindset and overcome any mental blocks? Email me at ryan@scholarshipnavigator.com (I read every one!) and let’s have a conversation about how you can get started.

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