Turn Your Hobbies Into Cash

Turn Your Hobbies into Cash

I have a trick question for you.

Are there scholarships for video games?

The answer is…*drumroll*

Yep, this is not a drill. Even scholarships for video games exist.

A scholarship from the International Game Developers Association is one example of many scholarships for students who enjoy gaming, and a number of universities even have competitive video gaming teams whose members receive hefty scholarships.

Now, you may not be the gamer type, but what am I getting at here?

Some students believe that in order to win scholarship money, they have to fit a certain criteria. They convince themselves that scholarships are only available for people who earn straight A’s, are the quarterback on their high school football team, or are president of their school’s student body.

But is this true? The answer may surprise you.

There’s no need to force yourself into a box you simply don’t fit into. You especially don’t need to psych yourself out, thinking you must fit into the mold of that “ideal student” you conjured up in your head.

More likely than not, your current hobbies are a great springboard for starting your first scholarship applications and winning.

Do you love skateboarding? There’s a scholarship for that.

Do you enjoy singing? There’s a scholarship for that.

Do you participate in robotics, love to paint, play the piano, enjoy building legos, or love animals more than your own life?

There are scholarships for each and every one.

Does this surprise you? If so, you’re not alone. Most students and families do not know these types of scholarships exist. But now you do. So what does that mean?

Less competition in your arena, and an even greater chance of winning. That’s the power of being in the know.

So, now what? It’s time to grab your phone or laptop, and hop on the internet. Google is your new best friend.

We use the search engine for seemingly everything else in our lives (like looking up reviews on the coffee shop that just opened up downtown or checking up on the latest viral videos). Remember to harness the internet’s power for scholarships!

Now, it’s time for a Compass Quest, where I give you an action step that’s easy to fit in your schedule, but can deliver big results.

Compass Quest: Sit down and make a list of each activity and hobby you enjoy, no matter how small or playful it may seem. Then, take that list and spend 15 minutes searching phrases on the internet such as “[your hobby]” + “scholarship”, “college scholarship”, or “award”.

You’ll be surprised by what comes up, and you’ll likely find a scholarship that you not only qualify for, but are excited to apply for.

What can this genuine excitement and investment lead to? Winning.

Combining your love for a certain activity with the prospect of winning money is a great way to ease into the scholarship process.

Keep on navigating,

P.S. What did you discover from this Compass Quest? I would love to hear about your experience! Send me a note at ryan@scholarshipnavigator.com to share what hobbies you’re excited to turn into a scholarship opportunity.

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