How to Never Miss a Scholarship Deadline Ever Again

How to never miss a scholarship deadline ever again

This morning, I sat at my desk dripping with sweat.

I wasn’t nervous about a deadline. I didn’t just finish a P90X workout. No, I was experiencing the unbelievable. The unimaginable. The horrific reality of…

…an 81 degree day. 

With 82% humidity. 

On October 1st. 


What??? Where’s autumn hiding? The crispy red leaves? Sweater weather? Anyone?? Guess I’m going to have to wait a little longer for that autumn feeling.


But do you know what other season is already upon us that we don’t have to wait for? 

Scholarship season.

Those scholarship deadlines (like the Pumpkin Spice Lattes) are out in full force for a limited time and I don’t want you to miss your chance!

I’ll let you in on a little secret. 

Individual scholarships often have the same deadlines every year. If you heard about a scholarship last year that had a deadline in October, it’s probably going to be offered around the same time this year. If you heard of one due this past February, the 2020 scholarship offering is going to come around the corner faster than you think.

This may seem a bit obvious, but in reality, most students and families don’t take advantage of this reliable cycle of scholarships.

This is amazing knowledge because it allows you to:

  1. Be in tune with a constant pipeline of scholarships.
  2. Maximize your application submissions.
  3. Skyrocket your chances of winning.

Pro tip: As you hear about scholarships, add the deadline dates to a calendar on your phone or computer. Set up notifications to remind you when the deadline is 4, 2, and 1 week(s) out so you allow time to adequately prepare and submit your application. Even if you deadline gets away from you this year, mark your calendar for the following year so you can apply if eligible.

Along with the beginning of the school year, fall kicks off a very busy season for scholarship deadlines, especially starting in October and continuing throughout the winter and spring. Now is the time to find and apply for those amazing scholarships out there!

What I’m sharing with you is actually the kickoff to a fun new series I’m rolling out…

ScholarTips of the Week!

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Rain or shine, 80 degrees or 80 below, scholarship season is still here!

The leaves might not be falling, but the dollars are.

Take advantage of this amazing time. I can’t wait to hear what you accomplish. 

Keep on navigating,

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